Optima Insurance Brokers Pvt. Ltd.

Industry Focus

Industry Focus

The United Nations has estimated that by 2030, the demand for agricultural products will be 60 percent higher than today mainly due to an increasing population, rapidly changing diet patterns and the rising popularity of bio-fuels. Global food production will need to increase by 40 percent to meet this surge in demand. This brings with it a huge opportunity for upstream agribusinesses seeking to maximize returns on their commodity streams.

Optima’s core group has more than 100 man-years of experience in insurance. Our experience has trained us in reading the fine print of insurance policies, understanding it and applying it for the benefit of our clients.

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Corporate Office

M6, M Block Market, Greater Kailash-II, New Delhi-110 048
+91-11-40 50 51 52, +91-11-40 50 51 53

Registered Office

M4, Greater Kailash-II, New Delhi-100 048

IRDA Registration Number 326  |  CIN : U66030DL2000PTC103603  |  Category : Direct Broker (Life and Non-Life)  |  License period : 22-03-21 to 21-03-24
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